Sunday, October 03, 2010

I've Been Published...

Wow, two times in one year. I am so happy that two things I've written have been published. One I was pretty sure about but it was taking so long that I had forgotten about it. It is a book of short stories about people who have influenced us in our faith. It was published in a book called Balcony Women. You can find it in the Covenant Bookstore. It's a nice read for a relaxing day when you just want to be encouraged.

My second one was something we were required to do for work. I was pretty new to this job but the challenge of writing something just overtook me. It was about something very personal, but I enjoyed writing it and when I read it at work, wow did the tears flow. Not just from me but from all the other people in my group who heard me read it. I'm not sure how I felt, but I was encouraged to send it in to This I Believe. I held on to it for several months and then I finally sent it in. Honestly, I didn't expect to hear back so quickly but it only took a couple of weeks before I was notified that it would be published on their website. Next time I get on here I'll post a link so you can go and check it out.

Other wise my writing is slow again. I want to write a short story for Writer's Digest contest that ends November 1st. I have a strong idea, I just haven't decided how to frame it just yet. Hopefully I will get it done within the next two weeks so I can have some time to just meditate and pray over it before I send it in. I'll be sure and write about how that goes.

Also, the National Novel Writing Month is coming up again. Last year I started something but didn't finish. I'm gonna try again this year. Not sure yet if I'm going with the same idea or something new. You'll hear about it in December.

Well, I should go and write something tonight before I go to bed!

Talk to you again soon.