Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday Scribblings
Prompt:  Myth


I've been living this thing!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Scribbling from Alta

Prompt:  SPARK

They say it only takes a spark
to get a fire going
but I say sparks can be extinguished quite easily if you're not careful
Right now I want my heart and my mind to be a roaring fire
an endless flame
even if it has to start out a little smaller
I'll be a spark just for today

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Here I am again, trying to get some consistency in this writing thing.  Well my daughter is going off to college in a few weeks and her friend who has been with us for a year is leaving as well.  So we will be empty nesters of sorts.  Won't that create more time to write?  I sure hope so.

On another note, I am ruminating on the idea that it's easier to make friends than it is to keep them!  What say you?

If you have any thoughts or experiences on this issue I'd love to hear from you.  I want to write about it but I need some input from others before I can get started.

Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Down on Myself

A friend at work had to put her dog in the cone of shame. Well I've felt like I've been in the cone of shame since last Friday evening. That's when I found out I made a stupid mistake on my job and had to try to fix it on Saturday. I fixed it but I have been kicking myself since then. Now tonight my daughter wants to lose her mind so that's irritating me as well. Not to mention that my eye doctor keeps talking to me about glaucoma. I don't want to lose my eyesight so I hope we can get this handled as soon as possible. So I'm down on myself! I've been here plenty of times before so I know I can shake it but it's gonna take a few days. I really need to spend much more time in the bible and praying. I know that will help me cause it always does and many times I'm in the funk because I haven't been spending the time I should. So I'm gonna get off here right now and go read and pray!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Oh How Long Between the Postings

So, I tried again with the NANO Write in November 2011 and I didn't finish but it's fun and it gets me to write a little more than I normally do. I lack motivation even though once I get going I don't want to stop. I use the excuse that my life gets in the way but somehow, I know it's not so much the outward distractions as the inward ones. I'm my own worst enemy...isn't that what Whitney Houston said. And why is it that we are our own worst enemy. Don't we like ourselves. I feel like I like me...I guess I don't know that for sure. I'm a likable person. I get along with most everyone...I have my struggles at times but hey, that's human right? One of my biggest issues is procrastination...but I think about biggest distraction is lack of sleep. Since my husband was diagnosed with and operated on for brain cancer...I have not had a lot of concentrated sleep...when he was at his worse I hardly slept at all. Now that he's much better and on the mend...CANCER FREE... and all that good stuff...five years later I still can't seem to get a good night's sleep! What the what? I have had lots of people giving me lots of advice about what I need to do to be able to sleep from sleeping pills to separate bedrooms. None of these remedies interest me. And it's not that I can't get to sleep because I do, but I sleep so lightly that just about anything, including my husband getting to bed anywhere from midnight to 3 am in the morning always wakes me up and then I can't seem to just fall back to sleep. My doctor told me to do this thing where I literally tell each part of my body from head to toe to go to sleep. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I also find that when I wear socks and can keep them on my feet (I usually kick them off halfway through the night), I notice that I can usually stay asleep longer. I just can't seem to keep the socks on for the whole night. My daughter tells me I don't think about myself enough...that I'm always worrying and doing for others and don't do for myself. I didn't think I was that bad but maybe I am. I do things for myself but I'm a giver at heart so doing and giving to others just makes more sense to me. There are times when I want to be more selfish and self centered and then something happens where I really can't be that person so I figure why even bother. There are also times when I think maybe because of my birth order...5 of 7...somehow it has caused me to be the person I am. Sort of a pleaser I of those kids who is called a goodie two shoes...a suck up...following all the rules...trying to do the right thing...not that I can get the love and attention I need. Well, this isn't what I signed on to talk about, but that's where the conversation is going. Yes conversation cause I think even if no one else reads this, I'm talking to talking to me...yes I'm talking to me! I make myself laugh talking like that but it's okay if I can't laugh at myself then who will! Did that comment make any sense? Okay, I can see that I'm getting tired...maybe there's something to this writing on a blog for me...maybe it'll make me just sleepy enough to get a good night's sleep tonight...I'll let you know...thanks for reading! By the way, I thought I had lost all this but I had just forgotten to push publish post...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Just a quick update...

Well, I didn't finish the November Novel Writing challenge, but I tried. I am going to try again this year.

I am also going to be doing some free online writing courses to keep myself busy and hopefully get motivated to get something done before the end of the year.

Hope to get something done soon.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

I've Been Published...

Wow, two times in one year. I am so happy that two things I've written have been published. One I was pretty sure about but it was taking so long that I had forgotten about it. It is a book of short stories about people who have influenced us in our faith. It was published in a book called Balcony Women. You can find it in the Covenant Bookstore. It's a nice read for a relaxing day when you just want to be encouraged.

My second one was something we were required to do for work. I was pretty new to this job but the challenge of writing something just overtook me. It was about something very personal, but I enjoyed writing it and when I read it at work, wow did the tears flow. Not just from me but from all the other people in my group who heard me read it. I'm not sure how I felt, but I was encouraged to send it in to This I Believe. I held on to it for several months and then I finally sent it in. Honestly, I didn't expect to hear back so quickly but it only took a couple of weeks before I was notified that it would be published on their website. Next time I get on here I'll post a link so you can go and check it out.

Other wise my writing is slow again. I want to write a short story for Writer's Digest contest that ends November 1st. I have a strong idea, I just haven't decided how to frame it just yet. Hopefully I will get it done within the next two weeks so I can have some time to just meditate and pray over it before I send it in. I'll be sure and write about how that goes.

Also, the National Novel Writing Month is coming up again. Last year I started something but didn't finish. I'm gonna try again this year. Not sure yet if I'm going with the same idea or something new. You'll hear about it in December.

Well, I should go and write something tonight before I go to bed!

Talk to you again soon.